Between Meals November 25 2024

By Elizabeth Ritchie Sherrill
Our Thanksgiving family traditions
All of our love gets poured into Thanksgiving morning. It is baked, it is buttered, it is warm and toasty. It is time-consuming and marvelously savored. It is in the thickness of the gravy, the sweetness of the pie, the carefully plated appetizers shared with loved ones thrumming about the kitchen. The oven schedules, the recipe cards, the soundtrack of commentators, chatter and laughter over football and parades. It is all amazing. It’s all Thanksgiving.
But what do we do when the hustle and bustle of the main event has passed? Some may find a spot to nap. Some settle on the sofa and watch the game. Maybe some go for a walk to get a little fresh air and make room for the next round, or watch the kids run off their never-ending energy outside. For my mom’s side of the family, the answer is cribbage.
I can’t think of a holiday in my grandparents house that didn’t include numbers being shouted at the recently cleared dining room table marking the scores of round after round of cribbage. Slow conversation circles the spectators as we enjoy each other’s company and wait for the casserole dishes to be pulled out and reheated for a much lighter dinner. It’s often the times around the meal, not the meal itself, that have settled into my core memories, so I encourage you to find a special way to unwind and spend your time between meals this Thanksgiving holiday.
From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
The Ritchie Family