Mint Juleps, Mother's Day, and Morsels from Ritchie Hill Bakery April 20 2016

Ahhh, spring.You're finally here. We missed your big hats, glorious colors, and picnics on the lawn. With Mother's Day around the corner and the Kentucky Derby around the bend, we're ready to celebrate.
In the spirit of celebration, check out these two favorite springtime libations. They're perfectly paired with some freshly-baked morsels from Ritchie Hill Bakery!
Two of our southern favorites are "Creating a Stir” mint julep from Lexington Kentucky. (Who better to have a mint julep recipe?) And “Heritage of Hospitality” iced tea from the Junior League of Winston-Salem, NC, where Moravian traditions are still treasured in Old Salem: home of Salem College.
Kentucky Mint Juleps
From “Creating a Stir” published by The Fayette County Medical Auxiliary in 2000 for the benefit of Kentucky’s Children.
- 4 cups shaved or crushed ice (do not use ice cubes)
- Sugar Syrup (below)
- 1 pint quality bourbon whiskey
- 6 fresh mint sprigs for garnish
- Powdered sugar
Sugar Syrup
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup water
- 1 bunch fresh mint
Pack ice into 6 julep cups to within 1/2 inch from top; add 1 jigger Sugar Syrup and 1-2 jiggers bourbon to each cup, stirring until cup frosts; Dip mint sprigs in powdered sugar and place 1 in each serving. Serve with a cocktail napkin (cups are quite chilly).
"About the mint julep: The word julep originally referred to a nonalcoholic medicinal syrup. However, by the mid eighteenth century, when the average American, including women and children, consumed two and a half gallons of spirits a year (much of it before breakfast!), the julep was made primarily with spirits and in our county most often with mint. Many times, the julep was taken after waking in the morning because it was thought to aid in fighting fevers that might have arisen from the night air and hot climates. Juleps were originally made with Maderia but postbellum Southerners replaced that with bourbon whiskey, sugar, water, fresh mint and crushed ice, mixed and typically served in a frosted silver julep cup. They are a Kentucky tradition often associated with the Kentucky Derby.” Creating a Stir.
- 4 sprigs fresh mint
- 8-12 whole cloves
- 3 quarts water
- 1 ounce tea
- juice of 8 lemons
- juice of 6 oranges
- 1 46 oz can of pineapple juice
- 2 cups sugar
Add mint and cloves to water; bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Add tea and allow to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain, and while still hot, add fruit juices and sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar. Makes about 4 1/2 quarts.
“The best iced tea in the world, and one reason loyal alumnae enjoy returning at commencement time.” Heritage of Hospitality