Saying "I do" with a southern accent. May 21 2013
Well, it's wedding season again. And, if you're anything like our family, that means you're back on the circuit. Friends, family, food, fun, drinks, dancing, and more airline points. It's a grand time of year.
But, if you're planning a wedding this season, your thoughts may be elsewhere. The question on all bride's minds: what can I do to make my wedding different than the rest?
We think the most memorable weddings are those full of family tradition, with a hint of heritage.
Here are three of our favorite southern family wedding traditions:
- Bury the bourbon bottle: So the story goes, bury a bottle of bourbon upside down at the exact site of the ceremony one month before the big day and the skies will be clear and Carolina blue.
- Mason jars and signature drinks: Southern weddings often hark back to heritage, and a signature drink served cold in a mason jar is just the way to do that. What was your grandfather's or grandmother's favorite cocktail? That's a great place to start.
- Family recipes: What better way to give guests a taste of home than with a favorite family treat. For us, it's always been about the cheese straws.
Whatever your tradition, it's the details that make for a memorable occasion. If we can help to give your upcoming wedding a southern accent, just give us a holler.
To a happy wedding season,
The Ritchies